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300 Audubon St

Renovation (Non-Structural) Permit

Street View of 300 Audubon St
Summary: Demolition and Repairs, Summary as shown on the drawings
Including all incidentals:
 1. Remove steps to front porch, walkways (Replace steps, walkways, add handrails 42” in height. 
 2. Remove second floor railings, replace with
 iron railings to be 42” high. Add railings to first floor.
 3. Remove wood fencing, install concrete footing, CMU and   stucco-over-cinder block walls and Iron picket fencing, new iron gates  on Coliseum side.
 4. Hot water heaters replace and relocate.
 5. Rotting siding replace, new shutters.
 6. Exterior prepped, primed and repainted.
 7. Mechanical systems minor work.
 8. A new rear deck to replace existing.
 9. Repair garage guttering.
 10. Repair minor foundation and roof.

No digging allowed under this permit.

Ref code E3VUQT

