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1023 St Peter St

VCC General Work Permit

Street View of 1023 St Peter St
To construct new two-story rear building as per Vieux Carré Commission approval of 10/20/2021, Architecture Committee approval of 11/09/2021, and materials stamped VCC approved 08/16/2022.
New building to constructed at the rear property line from CMU blocks to be lathed and stuccoed as per VCC standard details (attached)
Roof to be standing seam Galvalume with the parapet capped with 2” thick bluestone
All door openings to be steel framed French doors with clear glazing
All openings on the St. Peter elevation to feature louvered Spanish cedar shutters
Second floor openings to feature handrails set within the door jambs

NOTE: All exterior painting to be permitted separately. All work related to the main building to be permitted separately.
Ref code CNB64N