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1001 Dauphine St

VCC General Work Permit

Street View of 1001 Dauphine St
Per attached materials stamped VCC approved 09/07/2022:
Main building at 1001 Dauphine: repair and paint fascia and repair/replace balcony decking as needed. Paint all to match existing. Repaint St. Philip-side shutters (currently white) to match existing second floor blue shutters, semigloss. Remove abandoned wiring as needed. Install remaining wiring in conduits. All conduits shall be placed along the inside corners of building surfaces as much as possible, such as along gallery purlins at the deck line, and painted to match the adjacent surfaces.
Main building at 1003 Dauphine: Minor millwork repairs to decorative gingerbreading on fascia at gable, to match existing in size, dimension, profile, shape, material, and reveal. Repaint per attached materials: overhang soffit to match white trim, semigloss. Decorative edging on fascia to match trim, white, semigloss.
NOTE: Roof replacement not included in current scope of work. Proposed asphalt roof denied by Committee 08/09/2022.
Ref code 6B1BF1