Looking to declutter? Mel is your research assistant. → 7312-7314 Zimple St – NOLA.Today

7312-7314 Zimple St

Renovation (Structural) Permit

Street View of 7312-7314 Zimple St
Remodel and new construction addition to existing single family dwelling. Single family dwelling to be converted into a two-family dwelling per architectural drawings. Minor interior renovation work to existing first floor per architectural drawings. Remodel of two bathrooms and partial remodel of existing kitchen of first floor per plan.

Second story camelback addition to be added to the rear of the existing home per plan. The addition to be built per plan as a second dwelling unit, converted the single family dwelling into a two-family dwelling. New addition to contain 1,219 square feet, 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, kitchen, living, and dining room.
Ref code 1F11YN

