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4102 Perrier St

Renovation (Non-Structural) Permit

Street View of 4102 Perrier St
1) Replace “32” piers under the center and the perimeter of building.

2) Footing will measure approximately 28” L x 28” W x 16” D and will contain four pieces of No. 5 rebar laid in a cross-hatch pattern and an additional piece of No. 5 rebar placed through the surface of the footing so that the piers may be supported thereon. Each pier will be constructed using CMU blocks measuring 8” x 24” and built to a height closest to the beam/sill which it is to support. Concrete shims will be used to obtain final level.

3) Remove all wooden shims and replace with concrete shims.

4) Install approximately 47’ of 6” x 6” treated beam/sill material down the middle of this home. Up to an additional 43’ of beam included with an additional 12 footings and piers as a contingency for additional support.

5) Install 6 new 2” x 12” x 16’ treated floor joists from front of house towards rear.

6) Aluminum termite shields to be placed on all piers leveled.
Ref code 6ZQHWL

